Author: wpadmin

GO LOCALS Training Manual: Enhancing ESC Volunteering Projects Through Local Community Engagement

We are excited to announce the release of the GO LOCALS training manual, now available in both online and offline formats. This comprehensive training course is designed specifically for youth workers involved in European Solidarity Corps (ESC) volunteering projects. The primary objective of the GO LOCALS manual is to enhance the quality of ESC initiatives by significantly amplifying the participation of local communities.

Bridging Volunteers and Local Communities

GO LOCALS is more than just a training manual; it’s a strategic resource aimed at fostering deeper connections between ESC volunteers and the communities they serve. By leveraging the insights and methodologies provided in the manual, youth workers can facilitate more impactful and sustainable volunteer projects that resonate with local needs and aspirations.

Enhancing ESC Projects Through Community Engagement

The GO LOCALS training manual aims to transform the way ESC volunteering projects are designed and implemented by ensuring that local community voices are heard and valued. By prioritizing community participation, these projects can achieve greater impact and sustainability.

Key benefits of using the GO LOCALS training manual include:
Improved Project Relevance: Projects are more likely to meet the actual needs of the community.
Increased Volunteer Satisfaction: Volunteers experience a deeper connection and sense of fulfillment by engaging meaningfully with the community.
Sustainable Impact: Projects that involve local communities are more likely to be sustainable and have a long-lasting positive impact.
Enhanced Skills for Youth Workers: Youth workers gain valuable skills in community engagement, project management, and leadership.

Accessing the GO LOCALS Training Manual

The GO LOCALS training manual is readily available for download and can be accessed in both digital and print formats. To obtain your copy, visit our official website or contact our distribution team to request a physical copy.

Official Launch of ESC Advisor: A New Era for Volunteer Integration and Collaboration

We are thrilled to announce the official launch of the ESC Advisor, an innovative online meeting and rating platform dedicated to volunteers involved in the European Solidarity Corps (ESC) program. This dynamic platform is designed to foster integration, collaboration, and community-building among volunteers across Europe.

A Platform for Connection and Growth

The ESC Advisor is more than just a digital space; it’s a thriving community where volunteers can meet, interact, and invite others to join their efforts. Whether you are new to the ESC world or a seasoned volunteer, ESC Advisor offers a safe and supportive environment to connect with like-minded individuals.

Key features of ESC Advisor include:

Volunteer Integration: Easily connect with other volunteers to share experiences and build lasting relationships.

Event Creation: Organize and participate in events that promote the ESC program and volunteerism.

Rate organizations: Share valuable insights and advice to help others navigate their ESC journey.

News and Updates: Stay informed about the latest developments and opportunities within the ESC program.

Building the ESC Family

The ESC Advisor is dedicated to creating a sense of family among ESC volunteers. By facilitating open communication and collaboration, the platform aims to strengthen the bonds between volunteers and promote a supportive network that spans across Europe.

Free and Open to All

One of the most exciting aspects of the ESC Advisor is its accessibility. The platform is completely free and open to anyone interested in joining the ESC world or those who already have experience and wish to help others. This inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of their background or experience level, can contribute to and benefit from the vibrant ESC community.

Why Join ESC Advisor?

Networking Opportunities: Connect with volunteers from different countries and backgrounds.
Personal Growth: Gain insights and knowledge that can enhance your volunteering experience.
Community Support: Be part of a caring and supportive community that values your contributions.
Impactful Engagement: Participate in meaningful events and initiatives that make a difference.

Join Us Today

Be a part of this exciting new chapter in the ESC program. Creating your account on ESC Advisor is simple and quick. Once registered, you can start exploring the various features, connect with other volunteers, and begin contributing to the growth of the ESC family.

The Final Meeting of the GOTHEN Project in Thessaloniki: Celebrating Success and Preparing for the Future

On April 18th and 19th, 2024, the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece, hosted the final meeting of the GOTHEN project. This gathering marked the culmination of years of collaboration, innovation, and dedication from all partners involved. Over the two days, the partners reflected on the remarkable journey they had undertaken and discussed the final steps needed to bring the project to a successful close.

Spotlight on the ESC advisor

One of the central topics of discussion was the ESC advisor,give the opportunity to volunteers to integrate, meet and invite other volunteers.
During the meeting, the partners reviewed the progress made on the ESC platform, addressing the last details required to finalize its development. The discussions were both technical and strategic, focusing on ensuring the platform’s robustness, user-friendliness, and scalability. The enthusiasm for the ESC platform was appreciable, with everyone eager to see it in action and make a tangible impact on European youth.

A Mixed Bag of Emotions

The atmosphere at the meeting was a blend of joy and nostalgia. There was a collective sense of achievement as the partners celebrated the project’s successful outcomes. The GOTHEN project has not only met but exceeded its initial goals, thanks to the hard work and synergy of the partners involved.
However, apart from the celebrations, there was also a hint of sadness. The end of the GOTHEN project marks the conclusion of a significant chapter in the lives of those who have been part of it. The strong bonds formed over the years and the shared experiences have left an indelible mark on everyone involved. As one chapter closes, the participants expressed hope and anticipation for future collaborations and new beginnings.

Looking Ahead: Stay Connected

As the GOTHEN project comes to an end, the journey of innovation and collaboration does not. Partners and supporters are encouraged to stay connected and continue the conversation through social media. Follow the GOTHEN project instagram updates on the ESC platform and other related initiatives.
Moreover, the ESC Advisor platform is now live, inviting users to create their accounts and be part of the smart city revolution. The ESC Advisor will serve as a hub for exchanging ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions, ensuring that the momentum generated by the GOTHEN project continues to grow.

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ESC advisor:

LTTA in Stratoni

In 19th till 23th of June, the GOTHEN consortium had the most amazing time in Stratoni for the testing of the training: GO LOCALS!

Partners had the chance to meet one more time face to face, exchange opinions and share ideas for the final version of the second project results.

Having as a host, USB and under the greek sun, partners tested the materials that have been implementing for the past 2 months and giving feedback to each other. The atmosphere was very encouraging and optimistic.

The training course target group is youth workers, aim to enrich them with competencies on how to deal and reach local communities and get them involved in the ESC projects, as partners, as active beneficiaries or even as future project coordinators. Some of the sessions that can are included in the training handbook are : public speaking, the theory of change, advocacy and youthpass.

The training will be offered for free in handbook and online version. Hopefully , the final version of the handbook will be available this July and the online version as well.

The consortium is looking forward to share it with the public since it has been an amazing work with a lot of dedication and professionalism.

Follow us on social media to stay updated:

GOTHEN is on Instagram!

GOTHEN is on Instagram

Let us introduce you to the most inspiring Instagram in Europe. Twenty volunteers from all around Europe have shared their experiences on ESC program. Everyone has a different story to tell, but all of them they have something in common. The love for ESC and the skills, memories it offered them.

Those videos are published in our Instagram page with the aim to inspire and motivate the public to do the big step, and apply for ESC program.

Moreover, in our page you can see the overview of the project and have an interaction relation with us!

So, if you want to keep up with GOTHEN project and don’t lose any news, follow us.

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Fifth partners’ meeting in Cluj


On 10th and 11th of January 2023, partners from Italy, Romania, Greece and Cyprus had a very successful and creative meeting in Cluj Napoca, Romania. On a very productive first day of the meeting, partners went through the important details for the project progress. Some topics that were discusses was the finalization of the “Volunteer talks” videos and the “Solidarity hub” as well. Moreover, partners were excited to start the second project result about the training strategies “Go Locals”. After brainstorming, everyone agreed on deadlines and the context area. The first day of the meeting concluded with a tour in the city of Cluj. On the second day of the meeting, the ESC advisor platform was presented and partners gave the feedback and their new ideas, in order to reach the final format. All partners were excited about the design and looking forward to share it with public.

Keep updated with the last news in GOTHEN website and follow us on Instagram.

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GOTHEN kick-off meeting in Italy

On the 7th and 8th of June, has been completed with success the kick off meeting of the project GOTHEN in Bari, Italy. Partners had the opportunity to get to know each other and set the baseline for professional and constructive cooperation to deliver high-quality services for the implementation of the project.

During the 2-day productive meeting, we discussed the details regarding the overall project management, financial management, implementation steps, dissemination activities, and procedures for the project’s quality assurance. Partners agreed on the priorities and responsibilities of each stakeholder, while they set the timeline for each intellectual output and intermediate tasks.

Following this fruitful meeting, partners returned to their countries safe and pleased, promising to do their best to prepare the following steps for GOTHEN, and promote it in their social circle.

Welcome to Gothen Project

This is the official website of project Gothen. News about the project and its latest developments will be posted here. Stay tuned!

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project Number: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028942

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