The Final Meeting of the GOTHEN Project in Thessaloniki: Celebrating Success and Preparing for the Future

On April 18th and 19th, 2024, the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece, hosted the final meeting of the GOTHEN project. This gathering marked the culmination of years of collaboration, innovation, and dedication from all partners involved. Over the two days, the partners reflected on the remarkable journey they had undertaken and discussed the final steps needed to bring the project to a successful close.

Spotlight on the ESC advisor

One of the central topics of discussion was the ESC advisor,give the opportunity to volunteers to integrate, meet and invite other volunteers.
During the meeting, the partners reviewed the progress made on the ESC platform, addressing the last details required to finalize its development. The discussions were both technical and strategic, focusing on ensuring the platform’s robustness, user-friendliness, and scalability. The enthusiasm for the ESC platform was appreciable, with everyone eager to see it in action and make a tangible impact on European youth.

A Mixed Bag of Emotions

The atmosphere at the meeting was a blend of joy and nostalgia. There was a collective sense of achievement as the partners celebrated the project’s successful outcomes. The GOTHEN project has not only met but exceeded its initial goals, thanks to the hard work and synergy of the partners involved.
However, apart from the celebrations, there was also a hint of sadness. The end of the GOTHEN project marks the conclusion of a significant chapter in the lives of those who have been part of it. The strong bonds formed over the years and the shared experiences have left an indelible mark on everyone involved. As one chapter closes, the participants expressed hope and anticipation for future collaborations and new beginnings.

Looking Ahead: Stay Connected

As the GOTHEN project comes to an end, the journey of innovation and collaboration does not. Partners and supporters are encouraged to stay connected and continue the conversation through social media. Follow the GOTHEN project instagram updates on the ESC platform and other related initiatives.
Moreover, the ESC Advisor platform is now live, inviting users to create their accounts and be part of the smart city revolution. The ESC Advisor will serve as a hub for exchanging ideas, best practices, and innovative solutions, ensuring that the momentum generated by the GOTHEN project continues to grow.

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Project Number: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028942

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